“What are Fish Bites? Why are bloodworms so expensive?”
Bloodworms are expensive because they come from Maine and Canada. Dollar per pound, they are Maine’s most valuable marine resource. The 1999 landing was 514,717 pounds and was valued at $2,887,729. They are labor intensive to harvest. Worm pickers go out at low tide and physically dig the worms out of the mud. Then there is the expense of flying them to the distributors and distributors’ expense of getting them to the tackle stores.
Over the years, labor has gone up and we all know about gas prices and the price of overnight freight. To top it off, bloodworms got hard to get for a few years, as demand seemed to exceed the supply. Bloodworms got smaller and smaller. Over harvest was and IS a big problem in Maine. There is also a big demand for bloodworms overseas to feed shrimp and exotic fish.
When Fishbites Bag O’ Worms bloodworm came out, the demand for bloodworms in Maine for bait was slightly curbed. The price of bloodworms even came down a little, but freight prices went up, keeping bloodworms the same retail price of around $10 per dozen. (A few years ago they exceeded this price.)
Fishbites Bloodworm Alternative look like strips of bubblegum in a little package. The material is impregnated on a piece of cheesecloth type material. You simply cut a piece of this strip off and hook it on your hook and use it instead of real bloodworm. They retail a few dollars less than bloodworms, work just as well, and are not perishable.
Below is the explanation from the Fishbite Internet site that explains how the Fishbites work:
Fishbites works on the same principles that natural cut baits do. You have a piece of exposed flesh with a hook in it. The exposed flesh releases juices that dissolve into the water and create a scent trail. Fish detect the juices, then track and attempt to eat the flesh, and with a little luck - you hook 'em. Fishbites is merely an extremely convenient and easy to use alternative to natural cut bait and it performs the same exact function. It dissolves in water releasing feeding stimulants. The fish track those stimulants and when they bite down on Fishbites, they also get the flavor and feel the flesh-like texture of a natural cut bait. The advantages Fishbites has over natural cut baits are that these feeding stimulants are many times more refined and potent than what occurs in nature. The other advantage it has over natural cut bait is that it can withstand numerous attacks by bait stealers and allow you to wait for the fish you really want. And even if nothing hits it, Fishbites will stay the hook for many-many casts...the bait can last between 15 and 30 minutes in the water.
“What kind of fish do I use Fishbites Bag O’ Worms bloodworm alternatives for?”
Simply use them for any fish you would use bloodworms for. Norfolk spot, croaker, and kingfish are the main species of fish we use bloodworms here in Ocean City. Trout, stripers, tautog, and drum will also take them.
“I’m fishing in the surf!”
Use the Fishbites Bag O’ Worms instead of bloodworms if you are fishing with small hooks and targeting kingfish, croaker, or spot. If you are using large hooks, you are better off with cut bait such as bunker, squid, or cut spot or mullet.
“How big of a strip do I use?”
I use about a half-inch and hook it once or twice on a kingfish rig. The whole trick to baiting up with Fishbites is to bait up DRY. Once the Fishbites get wet the strip becomes sticky and hard to manipulate. Fishbites is good for catching three or four fish or for about a half hour of fishing. Once you’ve caught a couple fish or have had several bites the Fishbite material will begin to wear off and you will see a fine white mesh that the Fishbite material was impregnated to. When you see this, it’s time to put a fresh strip of Fishbites on. You can leave the old one on the hook until all the red is gone and simply put another next to it, or you can cut it off. Don’t try to pull it off once it’s wet or you’ll get the red stuff all over your fingers.
“Can I use Fishbites bloodworm alternative with other baits?”
Certainly! I do this all the time. Just like real bloodworm, you can use Fishbites in combination with other baits. Use a little strip of squid and a strip of Fishbites bloodworm alternative on the same hook for a double whammy to catch kingfish, trout, flounder, spot, and bluefish. You will get a bigger looking bait for larger fish, plus you’ll get two smells at once. This is good for the fish out there that also eat other baits besides bloodworm. You can also combo the Fishbites bloodworm alternative with little strips of fresh bunker, fresh spot, fresh cut bluefish, mullet fillet, or bait shrimp. Fresh cut bait on your hook with a strip of Fishbites can make a deadly combination.
Fishbites lasts longer on the hook then cut bait. So if the crabs or a sneaky fish eats off your cut bait, you’ll still have the Fishbites on your hook. You can’t catch fish without bait on your hook!
I also like to combo Fishbites Bloodworm Alternative with other flavors of Fishbites such as Crab or Shrimp. Crab flavored pieces of Fishbites are thicker than the bloodworm variety and last even longer. These are good when bait stealers such as croakers are out there! I also like the combination bait for kingfish. It gives the angler a bigger bait and hopefully, bigger fish. But always take the bloodworm alternative flavor for a first choice. It’s the best one!
“I’m taking my kids to Northside Park at 127th Street or to the park at the Isle of Wight off Route 90 to catch little fish.”
These areas are shallow and Norfolk spot, small croaker, and sand perch are the fare. Bloodworms or the Artificial Bloodworm Alternative is your best bet in these upper areas of the bay. Use a small size #6 or #8 hook on a top and bottom rig with a small strip of the Bag O’ Worm Fishbites, or thread a piece of real bloodworm on the hook. Combo it with a little strip of squid if you like.
“I’m in the bay drifting for flounder. Should I use Fishbites?”
Flounder’s main diet is live minnows or frozen shiners. After you have put on your live minnow through the lips or a shiner through the eyes, you can tip your hook with a strip of real squid or you can use Fishbites. A strip of Fishbites Bloodworm about an inch and a half long makes a really pretty bait. A strip of the new Fishbites EZ squid also makes a deadly bait. But should you use Fishbites alone for flounder? No.
Croaker? That’s another story. Croaker love squid or they love Fishbites. A combination bait of the two is great for the larger croaker. They are bait stealers, so the tough baits will last on the hook longer so you can hook them. They’ll take any of the flavors of Fishbites.
Spot? If you’re after eating sized spot, stick with the bloodworm alternative flavor of Fishbites or use real bloodworms. You don’t need to tip it with anything as spot like nothing more than bloodworms. If you are after bait sized spot for bait, cut the Fishbites bloodworm alternative into very small pieces and use them on a spot rig or a Sabiki Bait Rig. Invest in a good pair of scissors so you can cut the tiny pieces of mesh off the hook after the Fishbite bait is gone.
“Do you use Fishbite bloodworm alternative?”
Yes, I haven’t used a real bloodworm in over a year! The only time I think a real bloodworm will out perform the synthetic bait is early in the season when anglers are targeting stripers in the surf with bloodworms. The company is working on a cold-water formula for the bloodworm alternative, so even that may change in the future!
“Do the real worms still work? I want my kids to have the experience of using a real worm!” Of course they do, just sometimes they aren’t available. You can always buy night crawlers for the real bait experience, and tip them with a strip of Fishbites Bag O’ Worm bloodworm alternative.
“I tried them and didn’t catch any fish!”
If you used them once and didn’t catch fish chances are real bloodworms wouldn’t have worked that day/time either. It’s possible the fish weren’t biting that day or you weren’t in the “right place at the right time!”
“Do they go bad?”
The only thing that can happen to them is that they may lose their color after months in a hot tackle box. The best place to store them is in the refrigerator. The bloodworm alternative color last longer than the crab and shrimp flavors. Even if they lose their color, they will still work. Once you get your wet fingers on a piece do not put it back in the package with the others. And lastly, you don’t want to leave them on the dash of your car in 120-degree heat or they may stick together!
Happy fishing…