Kim Shipley
Kim Shipley from Shepherds Town, WV caught a beautiful 31 inch Striper from the Rt 50 Bridge using Tsunami Lures during the evening tide.
Date: 10/21/2015
Views: 187
Mike Ly
Mike Ly off the route 50 bridge. Caught a 17in and 23in flounder on gulp.
Date: 10/14/2015
Views: 175
Barry Batz
Barry Batz from Northompton, PA fished the Bulkhead using Green Crabs and Sand Fleas during low tide and caught 2 nice Tautog. Barry had a 18 inch and a 19 inch.
Date: 10/09/2015
Views: 316
Shawn Millet
Shawn Millet with a pair of nice flounder caught around the Route 90 bridge on the outgoing tide. The flounder measured 18 1/2’ and 20 1/2”.
Date: 09/21/2015
Views: 212
Mike Ly
Caught a 33in striper off lead head and fluke off the inlet last night.
Date: 09/18/2015
Views: 196
Here is the 3.12 lb, 21 inch flounder along with a bluefish. Angler Greg Ferenschak on the Happy Ours. Caught on bunker in the east channel on Sunday 9/13. The Blues were caught and released Monday along with some small stripers at the 50 bridge.
Date: 09/16/2015
Views: 149
Here is the 3.12 lb, 21 inch flounder along with a bluefish. Angler Greg Ferenschak on the Happy Ours. Caught on bunker in the east channel on Sunday 9/13. The Blues were caught and released Monday along with some small stripers at the 50 bridge.
Date: 09/16/2015
Views: 136
Here is the 3.12 lb, 21 inch flounder along with a bluefish. Angler Greg Ferenschak on the Happy Ours. Caught on bunker in the east channel on Sunday 9/13. The Blues were caught and released Monday along with some small stripers at the 50 bridge.
Date: 09/16/2015
Views: 92
Jake Allnutt
Jake Allnutt caught today in the OC Inlet drifting minnows they were 22 and 23 inches
Date: 08/24/2015
Views: 188