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Automatic Tire Deflators

Automatic Tire Deflators for off road driving with a four-wheel-drive vehicle. Air down with speed and comfort with several varieties of automatic tire deflators including Tire Buddy III and Oasis Trailhead.

Product Image Item Name- Price

Tire Buddy III

Tire Buddy III is small and compact without cumbersome hoses and delicate gauges to stow. It is a slick and simple, low cost answer to the old,...


Tire Buddy III ( 2 for $46.00)

Tire Buddy III is small and compact without cumbersome hoses and delicate gauges to stow. It is a slick and simple, low cost answer to the old,...


Tire Buddy III ( 4 for $88.00)

Tire Buddy III is small and compact without cumbersome hoses and delicate gauges to stow. It is a slick and simple, low cost answer to the old,...


OasisTrailhead AutomaticTire Deflators-Red-Set of 4-(15-40 PSI)

OasisTrailhead AutomaticTire Deflators- RED-Set of 4-(15-40 PSI) Oasis Trailhead Automatic Tire Deflators- Set of 4-(15-40 PSI) Great for off road....


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